Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blog Assignment 2/14/2010

Science entries in Wikipedia are no less reliable than those of an encyclopaedia per NPR. You are going to find most of your edits occur in political and social entries. Wikipedia is an option for research but always go out and find another more reliable source.

"What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung
Sounds like Mr. McClung had a successful first year. Reading your students and finding out how they learn best will change every year. Flexibility, communication skills, being reasonable and listening are areas that we all deal with every day. Having reasonable expectations is my down fall, I tend to expect more than I should yet I feel nothing is wrong with high expectations. I hope my first year is this successful.

Comments 4 Kids
I commented - The boys were so accurate, I like how they noted 244 rather than rounding, great attention to detail. It really makes a difference when students are allowed to see and understand measurement hands on rather than from a worksheet. Great project. I am a future teacher attending the University of South Alabama located in Mobile, Alabama. I will note this project, simple yet very effective.


  1. I agree that "reading your students and find out how they learn best will change every year." Not all students are the same and most of them if not all of them think differently and do things differently. Even teachers do things differently from one another, but it is about figuring out what works for the students and what will benefit them in their learning experience.

    "I tend to expect more than I should yet I feel nothing is wrong with high expectations." I agree with you. I have always had high expectations and my parents have put high expectations on me when I was growing up, which has caused me to want to do better and be better. I do not think there is anything wrong with high expectations. I think it gives children something to strive for, but at the same time they need to know that if the expectations/goals are not met, then that is okay as well just as long as you gave it your all and tried your best!

    I enjoyed reading your blog! Hope that you have a great day!

  2. You are correct about Wikipedia. I use Wikipedia all the time. I am just cautious with living persons/entities/corporations. Generally, Wikipedia is an excellent, quick resource. You just have to keep your eyes open and your brain on. EVERYONE has a slant they are trying to sell you. Even me. So question everything!

    Mr. McClung is a great friend. We will probably have a Skype session with him this semester to see how Year 2 is continuing.
